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Corporate mindfulness

in a 

I am so lucky that I have been able to bring Movement and Meditation classes into a corporate setting. When lockdown hit, Kellogg's reached out to me to provide online sessions for their staff. It quickly turned into a regular class and is still going 2 years later.


In a go go go environment, it's very easy to get swept up in going 100 miles an hour. It can lead to stress, built up tension in the body, and can actually reduce productivity as our minds often aren't clear. 


By taking, even just a few minutes out of your day to breathe a little slower and more mindfully, take a gentle stretch, we are encouraging our nervous systems to relax and our minds to slow down. It's almost like hitting the reset button.


It's fantastic that more and more company's are realising the benefits of introducing mindfulness, meditation and movement into the workplace. Whether it be online or in person, 5mins or 25mins, it can help us all to feel a little bit calmer and clearer.

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Nervous about contacting a personal trainer& starting in a gym environment

So I've had a couple of clients start personal training sessions with me recently and told me there was a lot of fear about getting in touch with a personal trainer and starting in a gym environment. 

Now they are training with me regularly, overcoming their fears and loving exercise.

In this blog post I'm hoping to cover a couple of the questions I've been asked recently as they may be the same as yours.


'I've never lifted weights before and felt scared of the gym'- weight and resistance training can be modified to everyone's specific needs. If you've never lifted a weight before, it's never too late to start. My job is to demonstrate, and give you the know how and confidence in your body to be able to do exercises with weights. You can usually do more than you think. I train my clients out of a personal training specific gym. This means I can show you how to use the weights effectively and with great form, and help you build up the confidence to go to your gym and practise and train on your own.


'I've had issues with eating in the past and I was worried you were going to tell me what to eat' - for many of us, issues with our diet and eating habits is all too familiar. When you have battled with under eating in the past, the last thing you need is a personal trainer telling how much and what to eat. I say this to all my new clients, I am not a nutritionist. 

There are those who ask me to help them tidy up their diet which I am happy to do. We can log a food diary, see if there are certain eating habits that can be modified. I will only do this if asked.


I always invite clients for a 20-30 free in person consultation. It gives us a chance to meet, discuss goals, barriers, habits and any questions you may have about personal training.

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